Inverter air conditioning is more expensive than non inverter air conditioning but with the current spiralling energy costs, is it worth the extra $$s?
Let's see what are the benefits of an inverter air conditioning compared with a non inverter air conditioning:-
* At least 30% - 50% cheaper to run as it consumes less power
* Far quicker to achieve desired temperature
* The start up time is reduced by 30%
* Much quieter
* No temperature fluctuations, maximising comfort level
* No voltage peaks from compressor
All EcoAir inverter air conditioning are heat pumps which in itself is one of the most energy efficient form of heating
Is it worth paying more for an inverter air conditioning?
So, in summary an inverter air conditioning can reduce your energy bill. It will be worth paying more for an inverter air conditioning if you use your air conditioning for:-
all year round
used for heating
With energy costs now running at approximately 12p per kWh and still rising there is no doubt this will save you £$$s in the long run.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014
Green Tips to Live a Greener 2014
1. The greenest way we all can do is take cloth bags or otheer reusable if more people do it we would have far less plastic bags to dispose of.
2. Eat organic use reusable products when possible and recycle all you can Stop buying bottled water Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
3. Reduce plastic in your life by buying local and things with less packaging. Reuse by repurposing items in your home, donating unused items, and buying used when possible.
4. Recycle anything that you could not avoid with steps 1 and 2.
2. Eat organic use reusable products when possible and recycle all you can Stop buying bottled water Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
3. Reduce plastic in your life by buying local and things with less packaging. Reuse by repurposing items in your home, donating unused items, and buying used when possible.
4. Recycle anything that you could not avoid with steps 1 and 2.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Energy Savings for Replacement Windows
In a home budget a portion must be devoted to energy costs and general upkeep. Some home owners notice a rise in energy costs. Many may think they have to take costly measures to combat this cost increase. One way to combat costs and lower energy bills is to use replacement windows.
Replacement windows help reduce energy bills. Energy is often lost through less energy-efficient windows. When selecting new windows you can choose energy star rated windows. This can mean a savings of up to 15% on energy bills. When you select and install these types of replacement windows this can of course add value to your property.
Look for the energy rated star label, A through to G. This will help you select the right type of windows. Make sure after installation that the windows are adequately caulked. Basic checks you could see are that all seals are caulked to cover the joint of the window to the brickwork. This prevents creepy crawly bugs from entering your home and precious pounds from escaping through the gaps. Windows do not have to be one particular style. Choose a style of window that coordinates with your home's décor, as if this is not put into the equation the property may in fact lose value. Efficient windows can help reduce heat transfer from the home to the environment outside. The windows are constructed using more than one layer of glass. These multiple layers offer insulation. These windows can also reduce condensation. If you're tired of waking up to weeping windows this is your solution. These windows reduce the heat transfer that occurs with older style windows. Some windows to consider are low-e windows and gas-filled windows. As a retailer to see if they offer these products. Gas-filled window panes use a toxic-free gas like argon between the gas panes. This keep the heat inside of the home and prevents its escape into the atmosphere. Low-e glass window panes are coated with a specialty product that will reflect the sun's rays and keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Another energy bill you will see going down is your lighting bill. Throughout winter especially, you might have drawn heavy drapes around an inefficient window. In comparison, with replacement windows in place, you can pull them back and enjoy natural sunlight instead of turning all your lights on.
Look for the energy rated star label, A through to G. This will help you select the right type of windows. Make sure after installation that the windows are adequately caulked. Basic checks you could see are that all seals are caulked to cover the joint of the window to the brickwork. This prevents creepy crawly bugs from entering your home and precious pounds from escaping through the gaps. Windows do not have to be one particular style. Choose a style of window that coordinates with your home's décor, as if this is not put into the equation the property may in fact lose value. Efficient windows can help reduce heat transfer from the home to the environment outside. The windows are constructed using more than one layer of glass. These multiple layers offer insulation. These windows can also reduce condensation. If you're tired of waking up to weeping windows this is your solution. These windows reduce the heat transfer that occurs with older style windows. Some windows to consider are low-e windows and gas-filled windows. As a retailer to see if they offer these products. Gas-filled window panes use a toxic-free gas like argon between the gas panes. This keep the heat inside of the home and prevents its escape into the atmosphere. Low-e glass window panes are coated with a specialty product that will reflect the sun's rays and keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Another energy bill you will see going down is your lighting bill. Throughout winter especially, you might have drawn heavy drapes around an inefficient window. In comparison, with replacement windows in place, you can pull them back and enjoy natural sunlight instead of turning all your lights on.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Green ideas
Rethink your travel
> Make it a habit to take the train, bus, or subway when feasible instead of a rental car when traveling on business. If you have to rent a car, some rental agencies now offer hybrids and other high-mileage vehicles.
> Make it a policy to invest in videoconferencing and other technological solutions that can reduce the amount of employee travel.
Reconsider your commute
> Make it a habit to carpool, bike, or take transit to work, and/or telecommute when possible. If you need to drive occasionally, consider joining a car-sharing service like Zipcar and Flexcar instead of owning your own wheels.
> Make it a policy to encourage telecommuting (a nice perk that's also good for the planet!) and make it easyfor employees to take alternative modes of transportation by subsidizing commuter checks, offering bike parking, or organizing a carpool board.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Green idea - Print smarter
The average U.S. office worker goes through 10,000 sheets of copy paper a year.
> Make it a habit to print on both sides or use the back side of old documents for faxes, scrap paper, or drafts. Avoid color printing and print in draft mode whenever feasible.
> Make it a policy to buy chlorine-free paper with a higher percentage of post-consumer recycled content. Also consider switching to a lighter stock of paper or alternatives made from bamboo, hemp, organic cotton, or kenaf. Recycle toner and ink cartridges and buy remanufactured ones. According to Office Depot, each remanufactured toner cartridge "keeps approximately 2.5 pounds of metal and plastic out of landfills...and conserves about a half gallon of oil."
Saturday, February 25, 2012
2012: Green Living - Does It Make A Difference?
Cool stuff.visit
At Desteni we thoroughly research and investigate the essence of what it means to be a responsible human being. This research is done through the participation of everyone that is interested and dares to take on the journey of self-discovery. We share our findings through video, audio and text through various internet media. This website gathers all the relevant information and links you'll want to explore if you're interested in learning about Desteni. Enjoy!
At Desteni we thoroughly research and investigate the essence of what it means to be a responsible human being. This research is done through the participation of everyone that is interested and dares to take on the journey of self-discovery. We share our findings through video, audio and text through various internet media. This website gathers all the relevant information and links you'll want to explore if you're interested in learning about Desteni. Enjoy!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Solar power myths
Solar panels and energy payback
One of the most prevalent myths is the one that goes something along the lines of "it takes more energy to make a solar panel than it generates during its serviceable lifespan".
This just isn't true, even low quality panels, assuming they see out their 20 - 25 year lifespan, will generate far more energy during their life than what went into making them. The average energy payback time varies as it depends on the panel, and where it is used, but 1 - 4 years is the average range. Given the 25+ year life, that's a lot of extra energy produced.
Solar power subsidies
Some countries offer generous renewable energy rebates, subsidies and incentives to install solar power, which has led to criticism about solar energy being an unfair burden on taxpayers. What many people don't realise is that solar is competing with fossil fuels on a very unlevel playing field. The fossil fuel industry is very heavily subsidised - and this has been going on for decades. If fossil fuel subsidies were removed and the cost of damage those fuels have wreaked added in, the true cost of coal, diesel and gas would make solar seem quite cheap by comparison.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
5 Easy Tips to "Green" Your Home
1. Unplug appliances and electronic devices when they are not in use. You’d be surprised how much electricity is wasted just to have multiple devices displaying the time of day.
2. Only run your dishwasher and laundry machine when you have full loads. Using these devices when they are only half full wastes water and electricity.
3. Support your local farmers by shopping at farmers’ markets or by selecting food products that are locally grown. Shopping locally reduces the amount of gasoline used to transport your food from the farm to your grocery store, and reduces the amount of air pollution involved in grocery distribution.
4. Recycle at home. Your local waste hauler will have information on the type of recycling program available in your area. Whether you have a curbside program or a single stream process, think about contributing as little as possible to your local landfill.
5. Clump your errands into fewer trips. If you have several errands to run each week, think about how to minimize the amount of miles you drive by mapping out a route that will require the least amount of time and fuel possible.
2. Only run your dishwasher and laundry machine when you have full loads. Using these devices when they are only half full wastes water and electricity.
3. Support your local farmers by shopping at farmers’ markets or by selecting food products that are locally grown. Shopping locally reduces the amount of gasoline used to transport your food from the farm to your grocery store, and reduces the amount of air pollution involved in grocery distribution.
4. Recycle at home. Your local waste hauler will have information on the type of recycling program available in your area. Whether you have a curbside program or a single stream process, think about contributing as little as possible to your local landfill.
5. Clump your errands into fewer trips. If you have several errands to run each week, think about how to minimize the amount of miles you drive by mapping out a route that will require the least amount of time and fuel possible.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Should we reduce the usage of water!

To me, the usage of water per capital over 300 liter is not really the issue here. The statement said if residents in some states in Malaysia, not reduce usage of water, then in 2014, there will be crisis of shortage water. How far it is true?
As we all know, after we use the water, the waste water will flow to drain and start it cycle of evaporation, form cloud, and condensation of atmospheric water vapor into drops of water heavy enough to fall, as rain.
We should use water wisely because the process of purifying the water is costly!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Deep think of Lynas Corporation operate their plant which may associate with radiation in Malaysia
Malaysia is a very beautiful country, I guess all the people in this world agree with this statement, but in order to achieve 2020 goal, Malaysia government allow a risk-based company, Lynas Corporation, to set up the facilities here in Kuantan, Pahang. Who can guarantee there is no risk associated with the waste??
There are lots of way to generate wealth in Malaysia, if the government able to manage the revenue properly and efficiently.
Why we need to earn such money while endanger the life of the people here? I wonder.
You earn lots of of money, but if you do not have good health to enjoy it, I rahter give up the wealth!!!
There are lots of way to generate wealth in Malaysia, if the government able to manage the revenue properly and efficiently.
Why we need to earn such money while endanger the life of the people here? I wonder.
You earn lots of of money, but if you do not have good health to enjoy it, I rahter give up the wealth!!!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Eco-environmental Friendly for Our Kids
When a baby is born we would like to offer him the best. Sometimes, especially for lack of adequate information, we buy products that are harmful to the environment and the health of our children, for example products that have a high content of chemicals, of dubious origin, with a high impact on the environment in their cycle life.
There are some tips for choosing children’s products according to criteria of environmental friendliness, quality and safety. It will achieve the dual objective of preserving the environment for the future of our children and surround him with quality materials and objects in order to protect his health and his safety. It also can help our children to learn and respect nature and earth much better for their benefit in the future..
Diapers Choices
Diapers disposable “tonnes of waste disposal is a problem”. One diaper takes 500 years to decompose naturally. Add their chemical composition triggers redness to the skin and have a high cost (in the first three years of life are an average of 6,500 diapers per child).
One alternative to the diaper “disposable” is the use of cloth diapers, which, encouraged by policies to raise awareness and encourage public is increasingly asserting itself in order to raise the child welfare, reduced environmental impact, a significant savings. There are now many types and models on the market, the important thing is to choose one that best suits our needs/expectations.
Another alternative, also be used in a “mixed” with the cloth diapers, diaper is represented by “disposable” in Mater-Bi® (bio-plastic produced from corn starch biodegradable and compostable): these, if disposed as waste, they have no problem as they decompose naturally.
Walking with Mom and Dad
A nice alternative to wheelchairs and strollers is that the carrier: the children really like to be in contact with mum and dad, and for the parents, it is an extremely practical tool. The idea of ‘bring’ the children is an ongoing rediscovery of the band-door baby: economic and ecological (if fabric from organic farms), the band can be used for a long period of time due to the different positions (a cot for babies on the back or side for older babies)
In room
Let the child to live in an healthy and non-toxic area, and we choose environmentally friendly furnishings. How can we recognize? They are made with the least possible use of paints and adhesives; hardwood from FSC or PEFC certified forests, sustainably managed according to specific criteria established by these international standards. There are also furniture made of chipboard 100% post-consumer, FSC certified and is characterized by very low formaldehyde content (Panel Ecological® LEB). The creation of this product save 10,000 trees every day after killing.
All clothing should be in the child’s tissues (or wool) from organic or biodynamic, possibly to mark AIAB textiles. This is because conventional fabrics (including those seemingly natural, such as 100% cotton) may, by law, contain a percentage of synthetic fibers and are also subjected to several treatments (including color) that include the use of highly toxic chemicals and leave important residues in the final package. Tissues from certified organic or biodynamic, unlike conventional ones, prohibiting the use of care (including bleaching) and all the colors that are not vegetable or mineral.
The first thing to do to be good for the environment is to avoid toys with batteries: they contain hazardous substances like heavy metals and therefore must be disposed of at end of life such as household hazardous waste.
To choose a toy, make sure of the quality of the CE and see if it is suitable for older children (especially from 0 to 3 years, to avoid toys with parts too small could be swallowed by the child).
In the market you can find a wide range of toxic materials in toys and ecological, especially in wood and natural fibers, hand washable, and possibly without the use of paints. Generally this kind of toys are simple and lend them to different uses in a rather long period of time, to stimulate the imagination of the child while growing up.
The choice of cleaning products is worth a careful look. Avoid the consumer products, often fragrant and very foamy, in favor of organic products (cosmetics brand AIAB) and nickel free, fragrance free and added a little foamy (the foam index is greater washing power). These are also environmentally friendly because, being very focused, it needs small quantities and are rinsed more easily, resulting in a lower cost of water.
Finally, as part of the child to live in a healthier environment, we favor the use of detergents or Ecolabel AIAB detergent cleaner to clean all surfaces of the house. Still no need to “disinfect” for hygiene and that the chemicals found in disinfectants, are often not adequately rinsed, since the surfaces are coming into direct contact with our child.
There are some tips for choosing children’s products according to criteria of environmental friendliness, quality and safety. It will achieve the dual objective of preserving the environment for the future of our children and surround him with quality materials and objects in order to protect his health and his safety. It also can help our children to learn and respect nature and earth much better for their benefit in the future..
Diapers Choices
Diapers disposable “tonnes of waste disposal is a problem”. One diaper takes 500 years to decompose naturally. Add their chemical composition triggers redness to the skin and have a high cost (in the first three years of life are an average of 6,500 diapers per child).
One alternative to the diaper “disposable” is the use of cloth diapers, which, encouraged by policies to raise awareness and encourage public is increasingly asserting itself in order to raise the child welfare, reduced environmental impact, a significant savings. There are now many types and models on the market, the important thing is to choose one that best suits our needs/expectations.
Another alternative, also be used in a “mixed” with the cloth diapers, diaper is represented by “disposable” in Mater-Bi® (bio-plastic produced from corn starch biodegradable and compostable): these, if disposed as waste, they have no problem as they decompose naturally.
Walking with Mom and Dad
A nice alternative to wheelchairs and strollers is that the carrier: the children really like to be in contact with mum and dad, and for the parents, it is an extremely practical tool. The idea of ‘bring’ the children is an ongoing rediscovery of the band-door baby: economic and ecological (if fabric from organic farms), the band can be used for a long period of time due to the different positions (a cot for babies on the back or side for older babies)
In room
Let the child to live in an healthy and non-toxic area, and we choose environmentally friendly furnishings. How can we recognize? They are made with the least possible use of paints and adhesives; hardwood from FSC or PEFC certified forests, sustainably managed according to specific criteria established by these international standards. There are also furniture made of chipboard 100% post-consumer, FSC certified and is characterized by very low formaldehyde content (Panel Ecological® LEB). The creation of this product save 10,000 trees every day after killing.
All clothing should be in the child’s tissues (or wool) from organic or biodynamic, possibly to mark AIAB textiles. This is because conventional fabrics (including those seemingly natural, such as 100% cotton) may, by law, contain a percentage of synthetic fibers and are also subjected to several treatments (including color) that include the use of highly toxic chemicals and leave important residues in the final package. Tissues from certified organic or biodynamic, unlike conventional ones, prohibiting the use of care (including bleaching) and all the colors that are not vegetable or mineral.
The first thing to do to be good for the environment is to avoid toys with batteries: they contain hazardous substances like heavy metals and therefore must be disposed of at end of life such as household hazardous waste.
To choose a toy, make sure of the quality of the CE and see if it is suitable for older children (especially from 0 to 3 years, to avoid toys with parts too small could be swallowed by the child).
In the market you can find a wide range of toxic materials in toys and ecological, especially in wood and natural fibers, hand washable, and possibly without the use of paints. Generally this kind of toys are simple and lend them to different uses in a rather long period of time, to stimulate the imagination of the child while growing up.
The choice of cleaning products is worth a careful look. Avoid the consumer products, often fragrant and very foamy, in favor of organic products (cosmetics brand AIAB) and nickel free, fragrance free and added a little foamy (the foam index is greater washing power). These are also environmentally friendly because, being very focused, it needs small quantities and are rinsed more easily, resulting in a lower cost of water.
Finally, as part of the child to live in a healthier environment, we favor the use of detergents or Ecolabel AIAB detergent cleaner to clean all surfaces of the house. Still no need to “disinfect” for hygiene and that the chemicals found in disinfectants, are often not adequately rinsed, since the surfaces are coming into direct contact with our child.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Old medication and the environment
There are many areas of our lives where we can lighten our environmental impact just a little; and one of them is how we deal with medication.
I'm certainly not about to recommend that anyone using prescription medication to cease taking them for the sake of the planet, but how we handle the waste related to our pills and potions does have an effect on the environment. I'm not referring to the packaging, but the drugs themselves.
Old, past-expiry date medication are a common occurrence in the home and these drugs pose a risk to others in your household, so it's certainly a good idea to dispose of them. Old medication should be considered as being household hazardous waste and careful consideration given to their disposal.
Unfortunately, old medication often goes straight down the toilet or the sink, but the problem is sewage wastewater treatment plants aren't equipped to filter out drugs; so they wind up in our waterways.
How to dispose of old medication
It's important not to flush prescription drugs down the toilet or drain unless information accompanying the medication specifically states you can do so. For people in the USA, you can locate a list of medications that can be flushed on the Food And Drug Administration web site. Something to bear in mind though is that the FDA's recommendations have little to do with the environment. Its opinion is the potential risk to people and the environment from flushing the listed medicines is outweighed by the "life-threatening risks from accidental ingestion of these medicines".
Probably the best first course of action regardless of the country you are in is to contact your local pharmacy and ask them if they have a drug take-back program as these initiatives are becoming increasingly common. Pharmacies that do will ensure the medications are disposed of in the proper manner; usually via incineration.
Another point of contact is your local council's waste department as they may offer a drop-off facility for old medications or may be able to direct you to a service that does.
Failing all that, the general advice is to dispose of the medications in your household trash, but to take some special safety precautions by take the medications out of their original containers and placing them into another airtight container, mixed in with something undesirable - such as used kitty litter or other substances equally as unappealing. It's not ideal as the drugs can contaminate the soil when landfilled and possibly contaminate groundwater; but that's really the only other option and according to authorities; the "lesser of the evils".
By the way, while some disposal programs incinerate old medications, do not attempt to incinerate medications at home as this can be just as environmentally damaging as landfill disposal and hazardous to your health, due to the gases produced. Medicine disposal programs use special incinerators that burn at very high temperatures.
I'm certainly not about to recommend that anyone using prescription medication to cease taking them for the sake of the planet, but how we handle the waste related to our pills and potions does have an effect on the environment. I'm not referring to the packaging, but the drugs themselves.
Old, past-expiry date medication are a common occurrence in the home and these drugs pose a risk to others in your household, so it's certainly a good idea to dispose of them. Old medication should be considered as being household hazardous waste and careful consideration given to their disposal.
Unfortunately, old medication often goes straight down the toilet or the sink, but the problem is sewage wastewater treatment plants aren't equipped to filter out drugs; so they wind up in our waterways.
How to dispose of old medication
It's important not to flush prescription drugs down the toilet or drain unless information accompanying the medication specifically states you can do so. For people in the USA, you can locate a list of medications that can be flushed on the Food And Drug Administration web site. Something to bear in mind though is that the FDA's recommendations have little to do with the environment. Its opinion is the potential risk to people and the environment from flushing the listed medicines is outweighed by the "life-threatening risks from accidental ingestion of these medicines".
Probably the best first course of action regardless of the country you are in is to contact your local pharmacy and ask them if they have a drug take-back program as these initiatives are becoming increasingly common. Pharmacies that do will ensure the medications are disposed of in the proper manner; usually via incineration.
Another point of contact is your local council's waste department as they may offer a drop-off facility for old medications or may be able to direct you to a service that does.
Failing all that, the general advice is to dispose of the medications in your household trash, but to take some special safety precautions by take the medications out of their original containers and placing them into another airtight container, mixed in with something undesirable - such as used kitty litter or other substances equally as unappealing. It's not ideal as the drugs can contaminate the soil when landfilled and possibly contaminate groundwater; but that's really the only other option and according to authorities; the "lesser of the evils".
By the way, while some disposal programs incinerate old medications, do not attempt to incinerate medications at home as this can be just as environmentally damaging as landfill disposal and hazardous to your health, due to the gases produced. Medicine disposal programs use special incinerators that burn at very high temperatures.
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