Sunday, September 6, 2009

How Big Is Your Eco-Footprint?

Each one of us leaves a measurable footprint on the planet. It’s called an eco-footprint and it’s the amount of energy and natural resources that the planet must provide to sustain our lifestyles.

-- you know they each one of us lead they measurable footprint on the planet. It's called an eagle footprint and it's the amount of energy and natural resources that the planet must generate to sustain our lifestyles. Do you have any idea what you're -- footprint and -- -- -- by using the eagle footprint calculator at doing your part dot com and truck. It's eye opening. You start with entering basic information about where you live how many people live with tubes and the size of your home. Asked about what forms of energy you used in your home -- like multi issues and how you save electricity. After you enter the number of miles traveled each year it's all about how you eat what she eat and where you shop for food. You'll be asked about water saving measures in your home products used to build your home in the chemicals you use to clean it. And last it's all about the trash how much do you generate every week and what items do you recycle on a regular basis. It calculates how many planets it takes to maintain your lifestyle and the results may shock you. It's not a perfect test but it just on making each one of us realize how much we take from the planet every day. In fact this year alone we'll take 40% more than the planet can naturally produce. That means we're dipping into the future just to keep up our lifestyles and fat is not sustainable. My hope is that you'll visit date your part dot com to measure your eco footprint and learn ways that you can start treading lightly on our planet. I reducing. Reusing and --

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